Monday, February 6, 2012

“Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose”- Tennesee Williams

There is nothing I love more then being surrounded by my friends. I love having people in my home, entertaining, making food and everything that comes along with it.

When I was growing up there were always people at my house, and I mean always! I remember being little and waking up everyday to the sound of all my friends being dropped off at my house (my mom babysat 15 kids) and some of them not leaving until after dinner. It also helped that we were the only ones with a big pool in our backyard and everyone knows that along with a pool comes lots of friends during the summer, but I didn't mind.

Even when I was older and my mom didn't babysit anymore her friends would stop by everyday after school and bring their kids, we would all sit in my kitchen and drink kool aid and eat BBQ chips from Aldi then play outside until it was dark and they left. People felt so comfortable at our house that nobody ever knocked on the door, they would just come inside. I also remember having some friends whose parents would never allow them to have people over for sleepovers or to just hang out and I always felt bad for them because I couldn't imagine what that would be like.

I think growing up that way is partly the reason I enjoy being around my friends so much, I crave it sometimes. I have always been the one, regardless of which circle of friends it is, to call everyone and set things up, I've always been the coordinator. If a few weeks have gone by and I haven't seen everyone, I am planning something so we can all hang out. Or if I try out a new recipe that turns out well the first thought in my head is "Omg, this is delicious" and then my next thought is "When is the next time I can have everyone over so I can make this again?" If you ask my husband he can tell you that I just did this last week with some homemade donuts and I am still trying to think of a good excuse to have people over to spend the night so I can impress them with my dough frying abilities the next morning.

So if anyone reads this and thinks they might like to try these, please let me know because I am dying to try them with powdered sugar next time ; )

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